my new passion in music is kerli.
the 21-year-old is from a small soviet- occupied town of elva. where she came from, it was wrong to express your feelings. says kerli herself,
"i'm a passionate person. where i come from, it was a shame to show your emotions. you could never be too happy, because something bad might happen. i was always a passionate person. i wanted to live every moment. i looked around me, and it was beautiful, but i wanted something more."
kerli won a singing competition at 14. and at an audition with chairman antonio "L.A." reid, was immediately signed up for a contract. she wrote all of her own songs, being inspired by her own hometown.
"Being here has enabled me to grow as a person," she says. "What I like here, which I never had in Estonia, is that people really do believe they can become whatever they want to become. My background has made me what I am, but it must be so much better to grow up in an environment where nobody tells you that you can't do something. My dream of leaving and making music was my escape. I had no other options." says kerli of moving to america.
for more on kerli and her songs, check out this biography of her:
something i really love about kerli is that she is absolutely original, plus she sounds amazing live. she actually came to my home state of utah and preformed all of her songs. unfortunately i could not make it but you can see all the preformances on youtube.com by just typing in "kerli live in orem". another thing i admire is that she is not afraid to be weird or scary. as she would put it,
"everyone has two sides: a light and a dark. i like to walk the line in between the two."
check out this awesomely- crazy teaser of her first and most recent album:
really you should check it out, along with my favorite songs from the album:
1. love is dead (song is self explanitory but the music video is crazy but deeply moving)
2. bulletproof (having to do with staying with someone but asking them to be careful with them because they can still hurt)
3. butterfly cry (about getting out of her depression she used to have)
4. walking on air (beautiful music video)
kerli is the most touching, deep-thinking singer out there right now in my opinion and is more unlike anyone i have ever heard in our generation. please check her out if you have not already experienced her music. it is NOT a disapointment in the least.
i found all the photos on google images.
have a wonderful day and keep dreaming creepy dreams.