one of my favorite actresses of all time would definately have to be helena bonham carter. she was born in 1966 and still looks young. she has been in every tim burton film since 2001 whether the part is significant or not such as:
planet of the apes
big fish
charlie and the chocolate factory
the corpse bride
sweeney todd
and the upcoming terminator movie coming out this year.
she has been in a lot of movies not directed by her partner, tim burton, including one of my absolute favorite movies. having her in it only completes it. the movie i am talking about is:
fight club
this movie is amazing and helena makes it superb.
i don't think she has ever been in a movie where she plays a "normal" person. but that's why i love her so much. :)
she has won awards in the past and been nominated for many others.
she has two children with tim burton named billy ray and nell.
if i could be in a movie with any actress, i would pick helena. the movie would sure to be incredible with her in it.
did you know that johnny depp is her children's godfather? tim burton persuaded helena to ask him after they had had their kids.
well, that is just a snippet of the talented actress helena bonham carter. anybody who doesn't like her must answer to me.
i got a little bit of this information from the following link:
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