i heard this weekend is going to finally be sunny and warmer! i am so siked. hopefully for once the weather man will be correct.
i am headed down to salt lake city on saturday to go to some art galleries perhaps and the gateway, which is a big outdoor mall. it is the only place in utah (that i know of) that has an urban outfitters. i am hoping that i can find some beautiful things to buy. i am dying to get a new headpiece. i love the outfitter's feather headbands. they are so pretty. i also really like their rings and necklaces. and who could forget their shirts, shoes, and pants? no one. haha i also get quite the kick out of the quirky books they sell.
you want to know something i have been pondering about?
i have been thinking a lot about the whole gay-marriage thing that is going on around the country. so many people are for it but then so many people are against it, like all issues there has to be two sides.
me mum is very against the whole idea even though she works with a homosexual man who has a very steady boyfriend. he is a very nice guy. i once did an art commision for him.
and i have so many homosexual friends at school both male and female. i love each one of them. to tell you the truth, i have nothing against homosexuality. nothing what-so-ever. my own aunt is a lesbian and has had the same girlfriend for many, many years. i love them both. they are two of the nicest people in my whole family. my aunt's girlfriend has been accepted by my family as one of us, even though she is not aloud to marry my aunt where they live (wisconsin).
i have a friend that i love so much who is gay and he is one of my most nice friends.
what i am trying to say is, why is america judging these people and not letting them do what they want just because they don't think the way the government does? or the others of america?
we are the so-called "free" country but yet people that are different from the "popular" group are shut down and ridiculed. it just isn't right.
i am sorry if i offended anyone with this. i am really just trying to see the other side of this issue that is consuming our country. i live in a place where "different" is just not on the winning side. you gotta fit in or you are looked down upon.
i just believe that people should be able to make their own decisions. i don't think it is up to the others on this continent to tell us how we should live.
the picture came from: